Well folks we've been in Alabama for almost ten months and I'm just now going to blog about it.. First of all, let me tell you how NOT fun arriving somewhere new with everything you own and not a clue where your going to live is. I guess that's the military. Well, it was certainly a crazy 10 days... house hunting, staying in different temporary lodging and hotels. It was one of those situations where your only choice is to trust that the Lord will provide. We ended up renting a BEAUTIFUL house in a small town outside of Montgomery. As annoying as it is to drive at least half an hour to anything you could resemble civilization, I LOVE the fact that on my drive home I pass cows, water towers, fields of white cotton and people sitting on their porch drinking lemonade. I wasn't exactly thrilled when we first heard we were moving to Alabama, but we have been so happy here and I must say that it does feel a lot like HOME. There is something about that feeling of HOME that gets me all giddy inside and fills me with an overwhelming sense of security.
A lot of things have happened over the past few months. So here's a little photo dump for you.
Our little one is getting so BIG

A lot of things have happened over the past few months. So here's a little photo dump for you.
Our little one is getting so BIG

We celebrated some holidays!
Our big new is that we are having another BABY BOY
Everyone keeps asking me if I'm disappointed that we're having another boy this time but I can honestly say that I am ecstatic! I am loving the fact that my life is going to consist of water fights, bunk bed forts, and Saturday Sporting events. All the girls better watch out for the Gillespie Boys!