Monday, August 16, 2010

A Sunday Afternoon at Temple Square

We thought it would be a fun Sunday activity to spend an afternoon at Temple Square. So we called up our BEST friends Quinn, Annie and Baby Belle and loaded into the car and drove to Salt Lake. Two men, two women, two babies. We got to walk by the Temple and go into the old Assembly Hall. Baby Jacob demonstrated the acoustics in the Tabernacle by deciding the be a stinker the second we walked in. We saw The Mini Replica of the Salt Lake Temple gave us an inside look at the temple. To end the afternoon, we stopped by the visitor's center and were just in time to see a showing of the Joseph Smith movie (at which time, Jacob took a little nap and Belle did laps in the front row). On the way home, both babies were ready for bed and cranky. All in all it was a FUN, little adventure.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Double Birthday Dinner Date

Since our birthdays are so close together we decided to go on a DOUBLE BIRTHDAY DATE to celebrate. As a real treat to ourselves we decided to go out to eat at not just any restaurant but at TUCANOS BRAZILLIAN GRILL! A place where they carry around skewers of meat and you get to eat as much as you want. Needless to say, it was delicious. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
I love you, Jake!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fancy Baby Pictures

Photography has been a passion of mine for some time.
Yet I never really have taken time to acquire any skills in the area.
But, I have recently found the most BEAUTIFUL model.


Black and White

(Be on the look out for more! Hopefully they'll get better the more I practice)