We thought it would be a fun Sunday activity to spend an afternoon at Temple Square. So we called up our BEST friends Quinn, Annie and Baby Belle and loaded into the car and drove to Salt Lake. Two men, two women, two babies. We got to walk by the Temple and go into the old Assembly Hall. Baby Jacob demonstrated the acoustics in the Tabernacle by deciding the be a stinker the second we walked in. We saw The Mini Replica of the Salt Lake Temple gave us an inside look at the temple. To end the afternoon, we stopped by the visitor's center and were just in time to see a showing of the Joseph Smith movie (at which time, Jacob took a little nap and Belle did laps in the front row). On the way home, both babies were ready for bed and cranky. All in all it was a FUN, little adventure.
Fun fun fun! I was just up at temple square with Sister Hannah Blackwelder last Thursday. Good times! :) Glad you guys had fun!