Jacob and I had so much fun in Florida! Everyday was a different adventure.
Jacob absolutely adored my Mother. He'd run through the house saying "Grammy, Grammy, Grammy!" He went through so many changes there. He went from walking to running. Being hesitant on the ground to climbing the steps and going down the slide all by himself. He went from one or two word phrases to full out seven or eight word sentences. He is definitely not a baby anymore. It makes me very sad but I will say that I loved being able to chat with him now. Even though the conversations are simple, I love that my little one can tell me what he is thinking and how he feels about it.

This trip was fun for me as a parent because it was the first time that Jacob actually wanted to interact with other kids. He loved everything about my sister Lianne and her three sweet kiddos. He would beg me to go to "Auntie Liannie's house". As I unbuckled him to go in he would run to the door and snuggle the first person he saw and when it came time to go home he would cry and run away from me. We miss those guys so much!

This is a picture from one of my favorite nights. If you don't already know, I am a movie theater junkie! My absolute favorite thing to do is to go to the theater to see a great flick and eat theater snacks (popcorn, snowcaps, slushy, reeses pieces...I am not a cheap date, as my husband can tell you). On this particular night, my sister Ana and I went to see the re-released TITANIC in 3D IMAX. To get ready for this event we sang and car-danced to Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC the whole way to the theater. AND THE MOVIE...amazing. I am a Titanic fanatic (and will forever have a major crush on Jack). I personally cried for the last hour and a half of the movie.
(Jacob reaping the spoils of the Easter Egg Hunt)
There were so many things I loved about visiting Florida. Spending time with my parents and siblings. Talking and baking with my sister Lianne. Going shopping and staying up late with AnaBanana. Spending everyday with my wonderfully patient mother. Laughing with my Dad. Getting to know my Grandparents on a whole new level. Wednesday afternoons with my Gammy, going out to lunch and chatting on her couch while Jacob napped. Visiting my Grandma Ambs and having to convince Jacob that we had to go home because he didn't want to leave her house. Girl Nights with my girlfriends and talking for HOURS. Seeing old friends. Thanks Florida! You sure made my time there sunny.